Saturday, July 25, 2020

Social media sites to consider - and not just in your job search - Hallie Crawford

Social media sites to consider - and not just in your job search I liked this article and thought it would be especially helpful working professionals and job seekers, Silp joins social recruiting frenzy with ‘passive’ approach. Be sure to check out the recommendations and sites mentioned in this article, for your professional networking. While I have yet to thoroughly explore all of the sites, I think you should look into them because the use of internet and social media is only going to grow in terms of professional networking. The internet can help us move past the somewhat antiquated system we currently have for job seekers to find job openings and for employers to find qualified candidates. You dont have to jump on the social media  bandwagon now, but  you need to know where things are headed so that youre ready. If you’d like more help with your job search, contact us today for a complimentary consultation. Hallie Crawford Career Coach P.S. How do you know if your resume is good?  Take this  Resume Quiz  to find out how to keep your resume out of the trash can.

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